It’s almost Easter. The Easter bunny has visited the JDG office with Lindt bunny gifts for the JDG team. We will all be on a chocolate high this weekend.
Because it’s Easter, talks in the office turned to chocolate with Michelle asking everyone how they eat their cream eggs and the lads debating which their favourite chocolate brand is. Our data research team joined in but from a factual point of view!
Did you know? The Easter Bunny is hopping into action this year, dropping off over 80 million easter eggs that are sold in the UK each year. The bunny is going to be very busy!
That’s eggquvilent to almost 80 times the number of home sales that took place over the last year, at 1,011,280.
More than 4 in 5 of us in the UK (84%) are eggcited to celebrate Easter in 2024, although we do question is it for the true meaning of Easter or the fact they get an extended break of work!
In the UK we are projected to spend over £2 billion on Easter 2024, with an average spend of £53 each. We are just hoping that this isn’t purely on chocolate but hopefully enjoying an Easter lunch with friends and family too.
Thanks for reading our Easter-themed market research, if we can help you with anything property-related, please just get in touch. We are always here to help!
Michelle x
Ps. And just for fun £2 billion spent would actually buy 11,627 average-priced homes in Lancaster. Now that is a lot of chocolate!