Is your Lancaster home fit for royalty?

It’s the coronation weekend and many of us celebrating the crowning of King Charles. It’s exciting seeing all the bunting going up and how many of the shops in the city are turning their windows red, white and blue. Did you know this will be the 40th coronation to be held at Westminister Abbey since 1066?

Talks of the coronation in the office led to talks about the various Royal addresses in the city, don’t forget Lancaster has royal connections, King Charles is now the owner of Lancaster Castle.

Lancaster has several royal streets – Elizabeth Court, Royal Court, Diana Court and Charles Street. We mustn’t forget King Street and Queen Square in the heart of the city. Over in Bowerham, we have Windsor Avenue and down in Skerton there is Regal Terrace! And then there is Coronation Way (although if we are honest this was named after Coronation Street, not the Royal family!)

In the past two years alone there have been over 8,800 property sales on streets with coronation-related street names including nearly 100 sales taking place with a property address including ‘King Charles’!

Across the UK properties with ‘King’ in the street name achieved an average sales price of just over £500,000, compared to ‘King Charles’ £360,000 and ‘Coronation’ £226,000.

Anyway back to this weekend? How are you celebrating? Is your road having a street party? If so we would love to know, not so that we can join in, but so we can let home movers know where the most social streets in Lancaster are where neighbours really do come together ( 80% of homem overs rate pleasant neighbours as important! ) Anyway, enough about property, have a fab weekend everyone and enjoy the extra day off – a gift from our new King!

Thanks for reading & happy celebrating

Michelle x