It’s almost July and whilst for some holidays abroad this year are starting to become a possibility, many people have already decided due to COVID-19, they would rather holiday in the UK.

Hoseseasons have already reported that when their booking line opened on Monday, they were booking lodge holidays at the rate of 1 new holiday per every 11 seconds. There is so much pent up demand out there.
Because of this, and the fact we are a seaside town in Morecambe, our marketing team thought they would look at the rise of the Stay-Cation and its effect on the property market.
Did you know? 31% of Britons 2nd homes are purchased as holiday homes in the UK. And they are not always where you think they would be. An apartment we sold in Heysham had been a holiday home previously. A park home we are currently selling over in Halton has been a holiday home since it was purchased over 10 years ago and we have recently sold an apartment in Empress Court to a couple who intend to use it as a 2nd home until they retire in a few years time.
Sometimes people choose to rent them air bnb style, others decide to keep them for their own sole use. A friend of mine has a beautiful holiday home looking out over the coast at Heysham, whilst another chose to buy her’s at Grannys Bay on the Yorkshire Coast. A new client has a holiday home in Scotland, she loves it so much, they now plan to move there permanently!
The question we have to ask is – would your home suit the holiday market buyer? Does it have some quirky features? Perhaps a view? Is it close to the promenade or the castle?
The Eden Project is still planned to come to Morecambe. Lancaster is the 2nd most visted area in terms of tourism in Lancashire (although we expect when Eden comes, it will drop a position). We have some stunning scenery, blue flag beaches and fabulous sunsets. The stay-cation market is set to grow in Lancaster and Morecambe and for more reasons than COVID-19!
If you would like to discuss the Lancaster and Morecambe Property Market, please get in touch. At JDG we are here to help. Call us on 01524 843322 or email