Is your Lancaster home also your place of work?

For many UK workers, our homes are still our offices. Did you know on average, UK workers are only going into the “office” an average of 1.5 days a week. It looks like Hybrid working is here to stay.

The average number of days spent in an office varies from sector to sector. In the CMI (Chartered institute of management ) survey, people working in banking were spending the most time in the office while those working in tech had the lowest attendance.

Some people have fully embraced working from home. For some it has given a much better work-life balance, others though, like myself tend to prefer the buzz of the office and thrive by having people around them to bounce ideas off!

Working from home has its advantages. It also has many disadvantages – one being space in the home, the other loneliness. As the summer months cool, home workers also have to think about higher energy bills, although there is an argument this could be offset against travel costs!

A client we spoke to just last week needs to move. They live in a 2-bed terrace home. Her husband is working from a corner in the lounge whilst she works from her bedroom. They have a young child. Simply put they need more space. Working in the room they sleep in is not good for anyone’s mental or physical health!

The property academy has also reported that 53% of renters indicated they would choose a rental property quicker if it was furnished/set up to enable comfortable home working (Property Academy). This could be something as simple as a spare bedroom. A good internet connection is also important.

So to summarise, whether you are thinking of selling or letting a property, consider that many people out there are looking for a home that suits their home working needs!

If you need any property advice, please get in touch. At JDG we are here to help.

Thanks for reading

Michelle x